Spirect system for stock market analysis

Spirect system for stock market analysis

In the continuous pursuit of wide technology in successful partnerships and the selection of distinguished ideas, it has accomplishment a new electronic system for the technical and financial analysis of the stock exchange.The system aims to provide users with automated and human research and analysis on a number of financial instruments, including Saudi, Gulf and foreign stocks and digital currencies.

Users can access the system through Spirekt.com. The system offers many advantages to users, including obtaining modern trading ideas based on Some executable charts and technical analysis The system offers many advantages to users, among them:

• Get fresh trading ideas based on chart patterns and actionable technical analysis.

• Get an overview of the trends, events and signals affecting price movement.

• Get recommendations on entry and exit points and placement of limit orders.

• Customize search settings and sort by different listings, such as skill level, time frame, and sector.

• Promote trading and trading methodology based on reliable research.

The accomplishment of the technical and financial analysis system (SPIRECT) reflects the capabilities of the wide technology to implement sensitive and distinguished systems with creative ideas, as the system provides clients with advanced and easy-to-use analytical tools that help discover potential trading opportunities and better manage their risks. The technical and financial analysis system (SPIRECT) is Adding value to a group of products and services that the wide technology has succeeded in achieving and developing.

We invite all customers to try this new system and benefit from it.
